Scandmodis logotype

Scandinavian Movement Disorder Society

Overview / course 2024-2027


Course 1 in Stockholm – week 38, 2024 (3 days) 

Parkinson’s disease 

      • Basal ganglia pathophysiology 

      • Neurological examination at specialist level 

      • Medical treatment in the non-fluctuating (incl. side effects (ICD))

      • Non-motor symptoms: Dementia, depression, sleep, autonomic symptoms, psychosis

Course 2 in Oslo week 5, 2025 (2 days) 

Parkinson’s disease 

      • Paraclinical examination (MRI, PET, SPECT, CSF, blood, urine) 

      • Medical treatment in the fluctuating patient 

            • Apomorfin 

            • Duodopa 

            • DBS 

Course 3 in Aarhus week 39, 2025 (2 days) 


      • Clinical and paraclinical examination 

      • Medical treatment 

      • DBS 

      • MR-FUS 

Course 4 in Copenhagen week 5, 2026 (2 days) 

Dystonia and Tourette 

      • Clinical and paraclinical examination 

      • Treatment 

      • BTX 

      • DBS 

Course 5 in Gothenburg week 39, 2026 (3 days) 

Atypical parkinsonism including MSA, PSP, CBS, DLB 

      • Clinical and paraclinical examination 

      • Treatment 

      • Organization 

Course 6 in Lund week 5, 2027 (2 days) 

Genetic movement disorders including HD, Ataxia, Wilson, and other rare diseases 

      • Clinical and paraclinical examination 

      • Genetic counseling 

Course 7 in Helsinki week 39, 2027 (2 days) 

Psychogenic movement disorders and acute movement disorders (including paraneoplastic syndromes) 

      • Clinical and paraclinical examination 

      • Treatment